Workers' Compensation

Workers Compensation Lawyer Wichita, KS

Don't miss out on workers' compensation coverage

Your workers' comp claim must be made quickly and according to injury-specific guidelines. Our experience may help you to a better outcome.

Work Injury claim Form

How does the Kansas Workers' Compensation Act affect you?

You must supply your employer with written claim of an on-the-job injury within a certain time limit, per Kansas law. Compensation will vary depending upon your specific injury and circumstances. Our emphasis is helping you understand your rights and getting you the most compensation for your injury under the KWCA.

  • 100% of your authorized medical expenses
  • Weekly benefits while you are unable to work
  • Recovery for an permanent medical impairment or legal disability

Fair representation, fair price

Schedule a free initial consultation and evaluation right away to see if compensation for your injury is warranted under the Kansas Workers' Compensation Act. A contingency fee of 25% of the court appointed monetary award will be withheld by our firm if services are provided.

Call to discuss your on-the-job injury, or visit 1009 S. Broadway.


Work injury
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